Accreditation and Qualifications
Pupils in year 10 and above work towards external accreditations and qualifications.
These assessments compliment our curriculum and give the pupils opportunities to achieve qualifications in a range of subjects, including holistic progress.
External accreditation is offered in:
ASDAN Personal Progress
ASDAN Towards Independence
Open Awards functional skills entry level
Assesment and Achievement
Evidence of the pupils’ achievements is collected throughout the half terms and added to the ‘Earwig’ electronic assessment recording system.
This evidence could be pictures with statements, or examples of pupils written work.
Individual education plans are then updated termly which are linked the Education and health care plans.
When each student leaves Redbridge they also receive a National Record of Achievement which becomes the student’s property and can be shown to the staff of their future placements, as well as parents and friends.
Each student also receives a Digital Versitile Disc (DVD) with a pictorial record of their achievements and school memories for viewing on a home Computer.