Key Information and Policies


Redbridge High School, a school maintained by the local authority, takes pride in transparently sharing essential information and policies as mandated by specific Acts of Parliament.

These include The School Information (England) Regulations (2008), modified by The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations in 2012 and 2016,

along with additional relevant legislation such as the Equality Act 2010 and the Children and Families Act 2014.

Please navigate through the links in the left-hand menu bar to access comprehensive details about our school.
Some links will lead to PDF files, while others will direct you to different sections of our website.

We encourage you to delve into this section of our website to explore all the key information we have provided.

If you require additional policies beyond what is available here, feel free to contact the school. We are more than happy to provide electronic or paper copies upon request.

















Key Information

Contact Details

Admission to School

School Uniforms

Ofsted Report

Exams and Assessment Results

School Opening Times


Performance Measures

Remote Education

Behaviour Policy

Pupil Premium

Public Sector Equality Duty

S.E.N.D Information

Careers Programme

Complaints Procedure

Governors Information

Financial Information

Charging and Remissions Policies

Values and Ethos

Paper Copies

Ofsted Outstanding 2019
Arts Council
Arts Council
The Basic Skills Agency
Duke of  Edinburgh
Financial Management Standard in School
Healthy Schools
Liverpool Inclusion
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©Redbridge High School, 179 Long Lane, Norris Green, Liverpool, L9 6AD, 0151 330 5100