Liverpool Local Authority is the admissions authority for the school.

Pupils would usually already have a statement of special educational need but assessment places can be provided.

Prospective parents and children are very welcome to visit but would need also to contact the Local Authority if requesting a place particularly when coming from outside of Liverpool.

Families living within Liverpool would do so through their current school.

The school can advise if places are available when parents visit but the Local Authority in consultation with parents and the school has the final say in the allocation of places.

To arrange a visit please contact the school office on 0151 330 5100 or by email at:

Please click on this link to view Redbridge High School S.E.N local offer.

Telephone :0800 085 2022.



Key Information

Contact Details

Admission to School

School Uniforms

Ofsted Report

Exams and Assessment Results

School Opening Times


Performance Measures

Remote Education

Behaviour Policy

Pupil Premium

Public Sector Equality Duty

S.E.N.D Information

Careers Programme

Complaints Procedure

Governors Information

Financial Information

Charging and Remissions Policies

Values and Ethos

Paper Copies

Ofsted Outstanding 2019
Arts Council
Arts Council
The Basic Skills Agency
Duke of  Edinburgh
Financial Management Standard in School
Healthy Schools
Liverpool Inclusion
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©Redbridge High School, 179 Long Lane, Norris Green, Liverpool, L9 6AD, 0151 330 5100