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Prospectus "School Times & Staff"

School Times.

The school is within the Liverpool Education Authority boundary with similar terms/holiday periods as other schools in the area.

The morning session begins at 9.00am and the school day ends at 3.15pm for pupils. Staff can be contacted at the school between 9.00am and 5.00pm.

The school day can be extended due to out-of-school curriculum activities i.e. sports events, theatre visits, day trips. Parents are consulted about these activities and informed well in advance when this occurs.


Redbridge is a busy and, we hope friendly, school. We have a high ratio of staff who are trained to  teach students with learning difficulties.Staff Showing student how to operate a mixer safely
Staff development is valued at Redbridge School.  There is an ongoing training programme for Teachers, Teaching Assistants and an induction programme is in place for new staff which  introduces  the schools philosophy and expectations. We have a large number of classroom staff along with office and nursing  staff  who ensure the smooth running of the administrative and medical aspects of school life. Our kitchen, cleaning and caretaking staff complete the team.








School Improvement Priorities





Ofsted award
Sports Award
Arts Goldmark
Basic Award
fmis award
Inclusion Award
Investors in people award
Healthy schools award

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Redbridge High School, Sherwoods Lane, Fazakerley, Liverpool, L101LW 0151 525 5733 Legal Disclaimer