Prospectus "Religous Education & ICT"

Religous Education

Redbridge has no affiliation with any particular denomination. School assembly is held weekly and this is of a broadly Christian nature with examples of class work, moral themes and prayers. Religious education is taught as a separate subject and is also linked to the personal and social skills curriculum.

The atmosphere of the school serves to promote healthy moral relationships and is supported by example and is closely linked to our school aims.


Base 4 busy working in the ICT Suite

Information Communication Technology is all about using technology (e.g. computers, videos) to handle information of any kind e.g. words, pictures, sound, video. We have a variety of computers in school – with extra equipment on each one to ensure access for all our students.

Students learn about using ICT in its own right, as well as how to use the computers to help them in their work in many different areas e.g. writing with symbols, painting, and communication. Often computers allow our students to produce work of a higher standard than would otherwise be possible, or to help them communicate in new ways.


About our School





School Improvement Priorities






Ofsted award
Sports Award
Arts Goldmark
Basic Award
fmis award
Inclusion Award
Investors in people award
Healthy schools award

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Redbridge High School, Sherwoods Lane, Fazakerley, Liverpool, L101LW 0151 525 5733 Legal Disclaimer