Prospectus "Outdoor Education & Resources"

Outdoor Education.

Base 1 students out on  a canoeing trip

Outdoor education includes learning, living and moving in a wide variety of situations outside the classroom. The places in which these activities are undertaken include city, country and remote settings on land and water.

Redbridge has a 10 module outdoor education programme. Most of the modules can be run by school staff but some require a qualified instructor. The modules are:



  1. Introductory – 4 x half day and 2 x full day sessions. This includes obstacle course, orienteering,–  string/arrow trails, first aid training, rock scrambling, team work, leadership skills, simple caving and camping skills
  2. Campcraft
  3. Camping
  4. Watersports – canoeing, sailing – with trained instructor
  5. Climbing and abseiling – with trained instructor
  6. Residential outdoor activity week
  7. Hill walking
  8. Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition training
  9. Duke of Edinburgh expedition
  10. Caving – with qualified instructor

Through activities which stretch and challenge students, and by providing excitement and adventure within a safe and secure   context, the programme aims:

  1. To develop students’ self esteem, self-image and  self-confidence.
  2. To encourage students to achieve that which they (and others) may not at first think possible.
  3. To develop the skills of working as a team.
  4. To develop leadership skills and practice these in group context in real life situations.
  5. To develop leadership skills and co-ordination.
  6. To teach skills that can be used in leisure, recreation and other settings.
  7. To teach the correct use of specialist equipment and safety procedures.

Resources for Outdoor Education Modules

Two videos are available for staff to watch along with all specialist equipment required to run the programme.

Redbridge has a policy document and clear written procedures which must be followed and submitted to the Headteacher and educational visits co-ordinator for discussion/approval before any of the activities are undertaken.


About our School





School Improvement Priorities






Ofsted award
Sports Award
Arts Goldmark
Basic Award
fmis award
Inclusion Award
Investors in people award
Healthy schools award

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