The Department of Education requires schools to maintain records of pupils who have absences from school. Authorised absences are those where an explanatory note has been sent to school by the child's parents/carers and the Headteacher has agreed the absence be authorised. Unauthorised absences are those where no reason for the absence is sent to the school or the Headteacher judges the reason for absence not valid. The school's absence record for the last academic year can be found on the current information sheet at the rear of the prospectus.
It would assist the school if parents/carers could follow the procedure below if their child is absent from school.
For hospital appointments etc, please let the school know in writing before the appointment.
After an absence for illness, a brief note of explanation is required.
Request for an absence for reasons other than illness should be made, in writing, as far in advance as possible directly to the Headteacher.