Prospectus "Base 3"
Base 3
Base 3 students range in age from 13-16 years. There are three class groups within the base: three are mixed ability groupings and one class for students who are on the Autistic Continuum.
The class that caters for our students with Autism uses the T.E.A.C.C.H. method of structured learning.
As the students progress through Base 3 certain areas of curriculum become linked to accreditation. Students are awarded with certification for any prior learning once they are in the Further Education Unit (Base 4).
Emphasis in Base 3 is placed upon developing confidence and maturity, this is done by linking into the community on a regular basis, with trips to the Library etc.
The promotion of living skills is also highlighted and students are encouraged to take responsibility for some areas of their school life, such as looking after their own tuck money and possessions.
Occasionally the students in Base 3 get the chance to go on residential experiences away from school. This is an ideal opportunity to experience new situations away from home, in the company of staff with whom they are familiar. The students are encouraged to take part in, not only deciding where and when to go, but also helping to raise the money needed for the activity.
It is hoped that once a student leaves Base 3 that they are prepared for the new and exciting challenges that they will encounter in the Further Education Unit (Base 4).