Parental Involvement

The school has a PTFA and we encourage parents to get involved in any way they wish. We would like to hold more social events for parents as well as information sessions and would welcome the participation of parents both in attending and helping to organise events.

We would welcome any interest from parents who might feel they could contribute in any way to the school.


Here at Redbridge, we use, ‘Class Dojo’, for our daily communication with you. ‘Class Dojo’ is an App which you can download onto any device. We use it to send whole school, class and individual messages and we can also send photographs and documents. We will provide you with the details how to download it and passwords for accessing it.
The school also has a ‘Facebook’ page we use to highlight events and celebrate pupils work as well as share useful information for parents and carers. We also regularly update our website with resources and links we think you will find useful.
In the event that we need to communicate with the whole school community for example if the school has to shut for any reason, we do so via class dojo, Facebook and the school website.


We ask in our home school contract that we meet with parents at least once in the academic year to discuss their children’s progress. You will have a formal opportunity at the annual review meeting. Each term the class teacher will send home a copy of your child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) with a form for you to send back any comments or suggestions on anything you might like to see included on it. You will also receive an annual report at the end of the academic year with a review of your child’s work across the curriculum. If support with behaviour is important for a pupil, we will draw up a behaviour support plan in agreement with you and you will have a copy to keep at home.
Each term we hold an open day when parents are free to come into school and see what their children are doing and if they wish visit other parts of school.
At any time if you have a concern or a query, please do contact the class teacher through, ‘Class Dojo’, or contact school by phone.




School Admissions PackAdmin Pack
Report Pupil Absence Procedure
Report Pupil Absence Icon

Pupil Attendance Policy
pupils attendance policy

Liverpool Safegurding Partnership.
safeguarding partnership liverpool

Class Dojo Communication App
Class Dojo

Parent Mail

School Uniform
School Uniforms Icon

Lexia Reading App
Lexia Home Access

Information For Parents

Data Protection and Privacy Notice

FAQ's By Parents

FAQ's By Pupils

Post 16 Bursaries

Parental Involvement.

External Links



Ofsted Outstanding 2019
Arts Council
Arts Council
The Basic Skills Agency
Duke of  Edinburgh
Financial Management Standard in School
Healthy Schools
Liverpool Inclusion
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©Redbridge High School, 179 Long Lane, Fazakerly, Liverpool, L9 6AD, 0151 330 5100