Prospectus "Disclipine & Medical Care"


School rules are kept to a minimum and are related to health, safety and consideration for others. Staff exercises a firm yet kindly and consistent control. Whenever normal behaviour strategies are not adequate, a student will have an individual programme for behaviour management.

Programmes are devised in consultation with parents. They are closely monitored and parents are informed at all stages. Careful records are kept and the programme is continually reviewed and revised.

Teaching staff are trained in positive behaviour management techniques and are available for advice along with our school educational psychologist. The school has a behaviour management policy which is available from the school office.

Medical and Health Care

animated image of medical nurse

All students receive an annual medical examination by the school doctor and parents are invited to attend.

We have two nursing staff at Redbridge provided by the health authority.

Their duties cover:-

Attendance at medical examinations.

Supervision of drugs.

Monitoring and treatment of minor ailments or accidents within school.

Dental inspections take place twice a year in a mobile surgery and  notification of any treatment necessary is sent out to parents.

Physiotherapy advice is available from our two part-time physiotherapists.
Programmes are carried out regularly by a full-time physiotherapy aide.


About our School





School Improvement Priorities






Ofsted award
Sports Award
Arts Goldmark
Basic Award
fmis award
Inclusion Award
Investors in people award
Healthy schools award

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Redbridge High School, Sherwoods Lane, Fazakerley, Liverpool, L101LW 0151 525 5733 Legal Disclaimer